Destroy All Neighbors Review (Prog-Rock Valhalla)



Hey there! Let’s dive into this bizarre, wild ride of a film called “Destroy All Neighbors.” Strap in because we’re about to dissect a story that takes the word “weird” to a whole new level.

Alright, picture this: You’ve got this guy named William, a rocker working for a music producer. His life’s a hot mess, living in a run-down place owned by a lady who treats him more like a handyman than a tenant. His neighbors? A quirky bunch, including Phillip and his pig, and the new loud tenant, Vlad, who becomes the bane of William’s existence.

So, William’s dreaming of cranking up his tunes, but Vlad barges in, making it impossible for him to concentrate. Things escalate, William confronts Vlad, and, surprise surprise, it ends up with Vlad kicking the bucket. But wait, there’s more! Vlad mysteriously comes back to life, sending William’s sanity for a rollercoaster ride.

Now, you might think this is like those movies where the main character slowly loses it, right? Well, not quite. Unlike those films where you get a clear peek into the protagonist’s unraveling mind, “Destroy All Neighbors” keeps you hanging. You’re left clinging to William as he jumps from one crazy situation to another, without much explanation.


What’s all this madness supposed to mean, you ask?

Some say it’s a commentary on how we’re becoming numb to the chaos around us, especially in our living spaces. And maybe, just maybe, it’s pointing fingers at societal issues like economic instability and the fading essence of art.


But here’s the kicker:

while the movie tries to say something profound, it falters in execution. Vlad’s dialogue? Utterly incomprehensible without subtitles. And the pacing? It’s like a car trying to run on a flat tire—no momentum at all. The creators tried to stir chaos but missed the mark with inconsistent flow.

Now, let’s talk performances. Alex Winter’s transformation as Vlad is mind-blowing. Seriously, you won’t recognize him. But Jonah Ray Rodrigues, who plays William, starts strong but ends up feeling repetitive, mostly due to the script’s limitations.


The supporting cast?

They’re a mixed bag. Some shine, others feel one-dimensional because of how they’re written. The cameos? Entertaining, no doubt, but they can’t save the uneven script.

Despite its flaws, “Destroy All Neighbors” isn’t all doom and gloom. There’s gore, wacky moments, and that scene involving Vlad’s intestines—definitely an experience! But even these thrilling bits lose their charm when William’s antics become a bit too predictable.


Now, here’s the deal:

I’d still recommend giving this film a shot if you’re into gritty, low-budget horror flicks. Pair it up with “The Voices” for a double dose of twisted storytelling. But fair warning, this ride might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

In a nutshell, “Destroy All Neighbors” attempts to be a relatable story in a chaotic world but falls short due to its half-baked script. It’s a messy blend of horror and comedy that might tickle your fancy if you’re up for some offbeat cinema.



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